Sunday 11 April 2010

Last Response to The Shakespeare Stealer

Awww, I finished it. I enjoyed reading it. It wasn't like "the pearl" which was like a folk tale. This was less meaningful and spooky. I didn't like all the ending, because I was like where is the Widge and Juila romance. It must have been awkward for Julia last year, when she had to read this. Julia finally was unmasked, I figured that would happen, they were rather nice to her even though she lied. I think Nick was the most shocked there. The fight scene with Nick was interesting, Widge and Sander should of helped him out instead of standing there gaping. Alsatia, which Julia was talking about is really a section of london, it was know as a sanctuary for outlaws. It is sad that Julia was miss- treated in her family and her dad wanted her to be a boy. Many people wanted a boy in those times which is sexist!!!!!!!I am glad that Widge got a bigger part in the play he deserved it. It's super funny how they used the words common watering hole for Nick to explain were he drinks.I hate Nick, he should not have stolen the book, can't he find a way to earn money, other than stealing. Falconer is truly Simon Bass!!!!!How does that work out....??? John Heminges was actually a real person that worked with Shakespeare. But the rest i think are fake. I disagree with Seb it wasn't one of the best, but it did make a really good class book. Aless out!!!

Response to Hamlet

I thought this was a really good play. It had a lot of poetic lines in it and moral. It had a bad ending because everyone died, and I don't like books or plays that the end turns out really rubish and not going how I expect it to. I didn't know it was a tragedy until after I read it in class. William Shakespeare had a really modern view of teenagers. It was an everlasting view. The problem was though that hamlet was 20 when your 20 you are supposed to be more mature..... Apparently the play was played by not only actors but actresses too. One famous Hamlet was Edwin Booth, he was related to John Wilkes Booth. I don't think I spelt that right. Hamlet had some serious come-back skills, he was just smashing down the Queen and Ophelia the whole play. I really like a painting of the play called The Grave Digger Scene by Eugene Delacroix . There are too similar plot lined stories, one is The Scandinavian Saga of Hrolf Kraki and The legend of Brutus. These are freaky similar. Hoping that we do this play for the end of the unit, because I think our class will enjoy fighting and getting to die.

Shakespeare's Life

Shakespeare was born on April 23 1564 and died April 23 1616. He was a Playwright and a poet. He wrote 38 plays and my favorites are, Midsummers Night Dream, Romeo and Juliet, and Hamlet. I love Midsummers Night Dream because it was a comedy and I was in the ballet. Romeo and Juliet is a classic love story and Hamlet is a good tragedy. His life must have been really lonely when he left for london. Poor Kids had to deal with a father leaving. The problem when your a big business owner, and such is that there is little time for personal life. It is like in the Sarah Dessen Book "Along for the Ride" the dad is never around because he is always working on his book. Those plays were practically books. I made a connection in Literature!!!!! The famous poet William Blake ( who I did a website about ) painted several scenes from Shakespeare's plays. The globe theatre is were most of his plays were performed. Anyone in london could get in for a penny. The globe theatre must of had a lot of diseases flying around because of all the packed Londoners. In 1593 and 1594 the threates were closed and he wrote many poems. Many people are wondering who he wrote his sonnets to, I think he just felt like it and didn't intend on it being for some one. Some of his plays have been turned into movies like Romeo and Juliet. There are many mysteries about him today, he could have made it easier by just writing a journal.

Thursday 8 April 2010

I think I should finish reading this soon....My english is getting worse and I am starting to use words like ain't. My mom is always correcting me. I totally agree with Mrs.Gertz that Juilan and Widge will be a couple!!!! You can kinda already tell. These chapters are getting good, I had to tell myself to stop reading! I Have too much Hw and a dinner party to go to. It is super gross that they use sheep's blood for the dramatic effect, clever, but animal cruelty!!!!! If there was an M.U.N club back then this would be an issue. I thought that Widge using the toilet in a helmet is gross and werid, What if someone put it on. Thats really sad that Juilan's mom died of the plague. I found this article from this site ( It is really nasty the symptoms you get!!! I am glad Widge is getting more duties. He probably is a great actor. I think he should just stay in the threarte and never go back to Falconer, this book is getting a lit disneyish because in the end it probably turns out that good beats evil. I know that Nick is "family" but they should through him out anyway if he can't get back into tip-top shape. I think the book Widge had is going to be found and they are going to recognize that it is Widge's handwriting. Rule number one of staying alive and safe , no showing people your handwriting/ code. Finished Hamlet today, why does everyone have to die??

Wednesday 7 April 2010

At least Widge didn't get murdered or something like that and Juilian saved him again. Widge needs to learn how to stick up for himself. I am glad Shakespeare finally showed up in the book. He has quite the sense of humor,but Widge doesn't relize he is messing with him.... He was like he looks like a gypsy, and I found a picture of him with an earring and he does look like a pirate/gypsy. He sounds kinda crazy with the staring out into space. Widge is devolping a bit of an attitude he didn't even say sorry when he snapped at Sander like that. It's funny that they have to paint the new roof, the white would look really dumb in the middle of all that red. Nice going Widge!! dropping a brush on Shakespeare....Somebody needs to throw out Nick he is awfull and they don't need another player specially a mean,lazy,and hairy player. Widge shouldn't steal the play,yes he has great opportunity, but he should just stay with the players and enjoy the time he his having there. Stage make up sounds like a really big deal. I wonder what they make the paint out of?

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Nice going Widge !!!!! you could be more crazy....... Jeez when you run away you are not supposed to get caught... not only was he seen but he ran and got lost. I am glad that the nice farmer helped him,but evil people with daggers came up to him. I don't think london was very safe back then,lots of crime. He should carry a dagger, he does on the front cover what happened to that one. I think that Gary Blackwood could have made a more interesting blurb, because that was pretty average. The best blurber (is that an name for a person who blurbs?) is probably Stephanie Meyer. She is captivating...I totally think that Juilan is a girl! It is Behind Rebel Lines all over again. The name is a transgender name. She has attitude. "Oh it is nothing against us... He's a modest one."(89-90) Sander is blinded.. she just doesn't want to reveal her identity. Is that a crime to be a women actor then? I found out that it was disgraceful up until the 17th century. I can't find out if it is a crime though... :( . Can't wait to read more!!!!! I need to find out what happens!!! WHY do teachers,movies,books and episodes do this???? It gets soooo interesting and it is like TO BE CONTINUE!!!!!! I hate those words :'(

Monday 5 April 2010

Third Response to The Shakespeare Stealer

Go Widge!!!!! Finally he is doing something better than copying plays!!!!!!!! He is a player, I think that means actor but it comes in a package where you have to be a girl and scoop dung. I think I would like that more than just copying with Dr.Bright those squiggles. Thanks to the book I just found out the ending to Hamlet... :( . It serves him right he was grumpy and selfish...moody teenager.In the book Gary Blackwood mentioned "Hamlet is the master of melancholy" that suits him. Falconer is shocking that he was like "by the way i killed somebody,but it is all cool." Death was very excepted back then because many people didn't live long. I was wondering if the Globe actually had an almost fire. I found out from WIki answers it did burn down completely when (just like in the book) the cannon goes crazy and the roof is set ablaze. But it was rebuilt. Shakespeare was really a ghost in Hamlet and there is historical fact of that. I am glad Widge finally has a better job as one of the members of Lord Chamberlains Company.

Saturday 3 April 2010

Second Response to The Shakespeare Stealer

Now, The Shakespeare Stealer is getting interesting. There is some funny language in it for example what is a dolt?? Widge has just found out who his master is... and is set out to do the copying of Hamlet. "Now someone sooner or later will pry this Tragedy of Hamlet from the hands of its poet.....just as they did with Romeo and Juliet and Titus Andronicus."(33) Looks like that the modern day pirating happened back then, but with plays. This is quite unfortunate, somebody needed to invent the law "copyright". Widge isn't very educated due to all the "ayes" and "wis". He sounds like a pirate. I did not know what Lord Chamberlain's men were, so I Goolged it and found out that it was a play company that Shakespeare for in his career. It was also one of the two leading companies in London, at the time. ('s_Men)
On page 46 there is mention of bearbatings.. Thats really cruel and it is a crime against animals, How do people like watching that?????Hopefully Widge does not get yelled at when he comes back with half the play...